We are not the largest leisure and leisure tourism company but we try to be the most professional and safe in the region.
Welcome to Atlantis Adventure.
Atlantis is a company founded 2003 with headquarters in A Coruña specialized in active tourism, leisure, free time and in the development of new tourism products in the Region. Adventure tourism, canyoning, kayaking, hiking trails, coasteering, etc. are among our activities.
All Atlantis Adventure monitors are specialized in the activity they carry out, with a wide curriculum and experience that provides them with a great capacity to resolve any unforeseen event, security is always our maximum.
We have all the Natural tools necessary to achieve the activities, so we invite you to know the natural environment in which we work. We are a direct company based in Cee and establishment at the door, A Coruña. Atlantis Adventure works its own activities directly without commissioning them to third parties or entities. Professionals in leisure and adventure sports.
ATLANTIS ADVENTURE LEISURE AND SPORTS It guarantees you unforgettable experiences on the Costa da Morte and a great team of professionals that help make it happen.
We will enter Mother Nature, enjoying it, appreciating along with the factor of sport, leisure, adventure and adrenaline.
Atlantis Adventure innovative company of the Costa da Morte registered year 2003 Active Tourism Xunta de Galicia TA-CO-000004.
Best regards. Atlantis Adventure Active Tourism
Our history
About us
The history of Atlantis Adventure originates in a family project, initiated by Jesus, an explorer of nature, as defined. After 20 years exploring the mountains and rivers of the beautiful Costa da Morte, he decided to open to the public in 2003 the kayak trips guided by the impressive Ezaro Waterfall, canyoning, hiking trails and others. Thus becoming the 1st active tourism company of the Coruña region. His passion for adventure and his destinies only grow year by year.
ATLANTIS ADVENTURE works for clients from different entities. Our outstanding reputation is based on years of experience offering unparalleled service. Our clients know that we act with transparency and they can trust us. Contact us to schedule an appointment with a member of our team.


Padre Piquer School - University of La Coruña-IES Ponteceso - IES Fernando Blanco
IES Marqués de Suances- CEIP Camelle- IES Martagisela-CEIP Areouta Sardiñeiro -
CEIP Castromil - Ceip. Manuela Rial Mouzo
IES Agra de Raices.

What is your idea? We develop it, inform you, test it, adjust it, confirm it and sure success.

Tel: +34 981 70 60 87
We are in the town of Cee, A Coruña, Spain.
It belongs to the coastal lands of the Fiterra area, although, despite this coastal outpost character, the high hills of Sete Grises, Alto das Penas and Quenlle mountains protect it from the inclemencies coming from the winds of the fourth quadrant.
We would distinguish first, to the north, the valley of the Castro River, soft, smiling and peaceful, except in its last stretches when it rushes towards Lires. Secondly, the coastal area of the estuary, from the bottom, where the town begins to settle, to the vicinity of Ézaro (Dumbría). It is a high and steep coast, with the small inlet of Caneliñas, where there was a whaling factory. Thirdly, the small enclave of Estorde, a safe and quiet beach, sheltered from the Finisterran arch.